November 1st : Congregational Meeting

Greetings Church Family,

At the Annual Congregational Meeting in January, a motion was made, seconded and passed to increase the size of the Leadership Team. The wording in the Constitution was changed to:


“The Leadership Team will consist of five to seven members; four to six elected members of the congregation and the Lead Pastor. Elected members shall be equally represented by both genders.”


The Leadership Team has decided to act on increasing its size at this time to six elected. Thus, they have asked the Nominating Committee to present names of two candidates to join the Leadership Team. The congregation will need to vote on these candidates.

In order to cast this vote, the Leadership Team is calling a special congregational meeting, with two weeks’ notice, to be held on November 1st at 10:15 AM. This brief meeting will be held in the sanctuary. There will be a presentation of the motion from the Nominating Committee of the slate, discussion of the slate, and then a vote.

Here are the new candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee:

Gale Struthers

Gale has been attending Bemidji Covenant for about seventeen years. She has been involved in many areas of ministry within the church. Gale has helped serve in communion, preaching, and on the Nomination Committee. She has also taught 1st Year Confirmation for fifteen years. Gale is a professor at Oak Hills Christian College and the Director of Biblical Studies.

Steve Quamme

Steve has been attending Bemidji Covenant for about thirty years. The areas of ministry he has been involved with at the church are the Church Choir, Small Group Ministries, and the Nomination Committee. Steve is a Medical Doctor at Sanford Health in Family Medicine.

In order for this vote to take effect, a quorum will need to be met. We hope all of our members can come out and join us for this important meeting. Current Covid health and safety guidelines will be followed.


The Leadership Team

Terry Fisher, Scott Nyegaard, Kari Termont, Colin Heglund, and Pastor Todd

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