Daring Faith Small Group Sign Up

From the following groups select the one you would like to attend and fill out the small group contact form below!

Steve & Jackie Hall  Friday 6:30pm  at their home

Jeff Haseltine   Day, Time and Location TBD Men Only

Terry Fisher Wednesday 6:15pm  at the Church

Tim & Annette Tingelstad  Monday 6:30pm at their home

Todd & Melissa Ertsgaard Thursday 6:30 pm at their home

Melissa Dockter Sunday 12:30 pm  at the church in the cafe

Jim & Kathy Fretheim Jenny Anderson (Host)  Sunday 4:00pm

Tom & Melanie Rietveld  Tuesday 6:30pm at their home

Steven & Ashley Eastridge Tuesday 6:30pm at their home


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We are a community of ordinary adults, experiencing the extraordinary, life-changing love of Jesus Christ.  Revived by faith, renewed by hope, and restored by love, it is our mission to:

  • Bring people to Jesus and membership in His family—Classes
  • Love and nurture each other to Christ-like maturity—Small Groups
  • Equip each adult for services in our church, community and world—Mentoring in Leadership

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation refers to the truth that we are all constantly being formed.  We are formed by our culture, our habits and our histories; but, most significantly, God forms us.

At The Covenant we sense that God wants to shape us into people who focus less on ourselves, on our wants, preferences, and agendas, and more on God and His dream for His hurting world.  Spiritual Formation then, has everything to do with our awareness of God and his desire for how we live and grow.  But it also has a lot to do with what we do with that awareness.  At The Covenant, we think God wants us to reach out to other people and let God's love, through Jesus Christ, form them just as it is forming us.

Practically speaking, Spiritual Formation at The Covenant happens in Sunday worship services, small groups, equip classes, spiritual friendships, personal study, mission trips, and age and family specific programming.  If you would like to talk to a pastor about Spiritual Formation contact Pastor Doug Giese.

Church Photos
Church Photos

Women’s Ministries

We are a community of women whose purpose is to share Christ's ministry of reconciliation and to advance the kingdom of God through Women.  We do this by offering Bible Studies, and special events, where women can be encouraged and supported.  We give financial support to those in need through our WM National projects, fund-raising for  non-profit organizations in our community and by sending gifts to our missionaries.  We are striving to serve God throughout our church, community and the world. We desire to bring more people into faith, fellowship and service to Christ.  We long to spread the Gospel through women who are willing to share their time, talent and gifts.

Church Photos

Men’s Ministries

The Covenant is a great place to connect with other men in all stages of life.  Our various Adventurous Christian Brothers activities provide opportunity for spiritual growth, recreation and service.

Our vision is to become a vibrant group of bold, transformed, Christian men, knowing, loving and serving God to impact our families and world by leaving a legacy to the honor of Jesus Christ.

Church Photos

Senior Adults

We are blessed to be a church on the move, having had thirty years of ministry at 18th & Irvine, and now twenty years at our present location with a number of members who made those transitions in attendance!

We value those generations who have paved the way and appreciate opportunities to learn from them.  We also acknowledge the need of our older generations to  gather together, share memories, worship and study God's Word.  A Tuesday morning Bible study (2nd & 4th Tuesdays), several women's Bible study groups, and several other small groups provide opportunities for our seniors to connect.   Be sure to check out our Handbook of classes and small groups by clicking on the link on this page.

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