Pastor Randy McGuire | randy@bemidjicovenant.com
Life is full of unexpected challenges and transitions. Some of the challenges we might face include surgery and recovery, the death of a loved one and the accompanying grief and loss, serious illness, chronic pain, or issues related to aging or caring for a loved one who is struggling with limited mobility.
Our Congregational Care team members work together with our pastors to meet the care needs of our church family. They are trained to walk alongside those who are experiencing difficult times to offer encouragement, prayer, and practical support. Please contact the main office at: 218-751-3699, email Holly@bemidjicovenant.com or fill out the form below if you or someone in our church family is in need of care.
Our Congregational Care Team would like to come alongside you if you are...
- Going in for surgery. Please let us know so we can meet in your home or hospital room to visit and pray with you.
- Facing a long recovery after surgery or serious illness. We would like to visit, bring meals, pray together, and help with small errands.
- Struggling with grief or chronic pain. Call and set up a time for a visit or a phone conversation to talk more about these issues and how they affect your life.
- Homebound and would like to receive communion. If you missed an opportunity to receive communion at church, we will share communion with you in your home.
- Desiring prayer support from your church family. You can leave your prayer request on the church’s Prayer Chain at prayerchain@bemidjicovenant.com. Or you can fill out a Connect Card which is located in our church pews each Sunday. These can be dropped in the offering plate or in the prayer box located in the office. These requests will be put on the Prayer Chain.